I've had these weird strokes of luck lately.
It's all been bad.
It was as if life had decided: no way girl, you're not cut out for this role.
You've got to find your own way.
And this one ain't it!
Somewhere in the rush of it all.
The rush of constant rejection.
I lost a lot of confidence.
I felt jarred and spit-out.
And took it personally.
Days went by.
Weeks; and regretfully they turned into months.
I couldn't even return people's phone calls because I didn't feel up to explaining what I had been up to.
I couldn't stand the thought of explaining the recent string of brush-off's.
I couldn't stand the thought of hearing myself speak it.
I crawled into myself and got comfortable really remembering who I was.
Even if I had to dig deep.
Into my past, and walk down the same paths I walked along when I was a kid.
Or simply walk my dog and try to imagine the fresh perspective she has of that rock she's sniffing, or the duck she sees waddling.
And in the midst of watching and breathing in all this delicious smell of my home town I was able to really remember the small things that matter.
The way the neighborhood smells when it's turning into autumn and people first start making fires.
The way brownies smell cooking in the oven of a warm and cozy house.
Or how excited I'd get looking out the window on a summer day and seeing sunshine.
Home town feels good.
And for right now I'm glad I'm here.
And sometimes the best things in life are right in your back yard.
Something unexpected happened while I was here. I fell in love.
With a big strong firefighter who could hear the pulse of my soul.
And those are intense words and intense feelings.
So I've got this beautiful love life that feels like constant summertime dancing.
and I can hear and feel louder than I have ever have.
It's like life is dancing fast & furiously!
and I'm sort of figuring it all out.
My dreams, my desires.
They're all coming into a point.
So this constant rhythm, called life.
That goes up and down unexpectedly, like the waves of the ocean.
This un-predictable, furious, fast-dancing life.
Really is beautiful.
and loud and messy
& un-predictable.
So, with that I will leave us with a final thought that helps me through.
The two P's (as Mr. Firefighter says) : perseverance and patience.