Although I seem to be pretty good at keeping this blog politically correct, I’m going to go with my gut and cast rules into the wind. Usually this method of casting things into the wind will backfire and I’m left with a metaphorical wad of spit in my eyeball…. but, today I can’t help it! Something’s got my goat and I’m going to rant and rave.
Today’s topic is directly related to ignorance, I draw from this quote my inspiration “brilliant minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about people.” Well, shit! I heard that some girl was complaining in reference to my beloved little Pit Bull. Complaints, and pre-meditated judgment on the Pit Bull breed, or they’re technical name: American Staffordshire Terriers - really grinds my gears. This breed, like all breeds is a loving, compatible, happy, and sweet dog.
IT’S ALL IN HOW YOU RAISE THE DOG. If you’re a big, fat, LOSER with an EGO the size of Brazil and want to breed and raise viscous creatures- then presto, you will wind up with a MEAN dog. If you’re ignorant, chances are your dog is going to take after your big, dumb ass. If you’re a dick, chances are your dog is too.
If you’re predisposed to judgment calls, then chances are you join the millions of Americans with a hatred towards Pit Bulls. Can I stand on top of Mt. Rushmore right now and scream my opinion? Why YES! Yes, you can!
“TO THE UNEDUCATED MASSES OF AMERICA WHO HAVE A PRE-DISPOSED OPINION ABOUT PIT BULLS, COULD YOU SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP” and to all of you out there who have breed-ism (definition: racism to dog breeds) towards Pit Bulls, do yourself a favor, do some research, get out there and MEET the breed you hate.
How do you tell a racist person that they’re wrong? How do you tell the particular race they hate are actually people you can love? YOU CAN’T. Let the ignorant be ignorant, and carry on. For three and a half years I have been the mother to a rescued Pit Bull. Not for one moment do I regret my decision to adopt my red-headed mush of a pup. Nor do I regret that when I broke up with my college boyfriend, (the person whom I bought the dog for) – I walked out of his life, with the dog. [high-five to Nev of the past!]
My rant and rave is to all the fools out there who don’t know any better than to hate. Whatever it may be, hating on a person, a breed, a race, a sexuality preference... May your ignorance shelter you from all the bad in the world. I hope you never get bit by a big, black, gay, pit-bull- I’m not sure you’ll be able to find a cure for that.
My snark comes from three years of trying to prove that my Pit Bull rocks my world, and all Pit Bulls that I’ve met do the same. They are usually overly loving, attention reveling, food addicted, mush piles of CUTE. But, stick to your tea cup Chihuahua and your Black Lab’s- I really don’t care, it’s whatever floats your boat- just shut the hell up about the breed I adore. Stop making it hard for the people who actually do a fantastic job of raising a pup into a respectable, kind and well behaved dog.
If I hear another comment- such as “They can’t help it, their brain swells and then they snap.” Or . . . “Those dogs are scary” or how about “Michael Vick.” I say, loud and proud “Thanks, I love my Pit-Bull, she’s my best friend, where’s your best friend?” I’m tired of ignorance, and blind hatred. I love my doggy, and you’re the fool who is missing out.